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Mama Birds + Birthdays

My birthdays as a mom have changed. I say they’ve changed because birthdays as a single girl consisted of wearing the hottest dress I could find, booking a table at the hottest restaurant, and dancing till dawn.

Now that I have turned 35, and slowed down in my old age (which is a total joke because I feel like I am more active now than ever), birthdays have become an excuse to celebrate more serenely. Don’t get me wrong, my birthday still lasts a full week with lots of champagne involved, but now I don’t party till I can’t see straight and consists of quality of friends instead of quantity.

I feel really lucky that I have people around me that appreciate this holiday of my birth as much as I do. Being able to spend a weekend with the most important people in my life is everything and wouldn’t give it up for late night Wendy’s runs or day after regrets (would I take my 20’s ass back... I would definitely consider it).

What I am looking forward in the coming years are more kids, more shenanigans, and more amazing birthdays where I continually turn 21 again, and again, and again.

Little Annabelle styled in our Light Grey Suspenders HERE.

-Make sure to follow Chelsea on Instagram HERE. You can also catch her amazing blog HERE.

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